
A common and complex skin condition that involves the bodies immune system that usually starts with a tendency to flush and go red very easily, it can be sensitive and or be accompanied with small red or puss filled spots. When the skins barrier becomes compromised it can allow certain triggers to initiate a flare up. Triggers include-

UV, Stress, Heat, Lack of sleep, Alcohol, Spicy Foods, Exercise, Wind and Cold, Cosmetics that contain harsh ingredients, including denatured alcohols, sulphates and fragrance.

Whilst there is no cure for Rosacea, it can be well managed with a good home care plan. Rosacea can be categorised into different types, however with all types of Rosacea early diagnosis and treatment are essential.

1- Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea- persistent redness, irritation and broken capillaries.

2- Papulopustar Rosacea- will also see puss filled spots appear and can often be mistaken as acne.

3- Phymatous Rosacea- Where the skin becomes thickened, swollen and bumpy. It can sometimes result in a bulbous nose which is seen more commonly in men than women.

4- Ocular Rosacea- Rosacea of the eyes.

Treatment includes homecare to repair the skins natural barrier function and protect it from the environment. An SPF is critical for rosacea skin since UV is one of the main trigger factors.

Clinic treatments such as LED phototherapy have an anti-inflammatory healing effect in a non stimulating way. These are recommended 2 per week for 6 weeks for best results.

As Rosacea is a complex condition the home care recommendations vary from person to person and will depend on which type of Rosacea is present.

A Skin consultation with a professional is the best way to understand what your skin needs. Book here

Who is it for ?

Anyone who wants healthy glowing skin

Phenomenal hydrating and plumping capabilities and intensive anti-ageing effects make it a great choice for aged, dry and dull skin. Whilst powerful anti-inflammatory effects can really help the likes of eczema, roasacea and acne.

What’s involved during treatment?

We prep your skin with a deep cleanse and enzyme treatment, then apply the laser. This is comfortable and relaxing. We then apply skin specific hyaluron gels to further enhance hydration. Our ‘ultimate intensive’ Byonik treatment also includes a dreamy mask and massage.

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