Skin Ageing comes to us all, it is around age 30 when it suddenly seems to become more notable since we start to lose 2% of our collagen every year after this age.
There is a loss of firmness and elasticity, and skin becomes drier, thinner and more fragile. Skin healing rate is slower and cell turnover is sluggish.
How fast your skin ages depends on a variety of factors including lifestyle, stress and environment. with UV and smoking being the top two causes of accelerated skin ageing. Excess UV exposure can lead to photo ageing and pigmentation which give us brown spots and uneven colour.
Advanced skincare for ageing skin will aim to address 3 chemical processes that take place.
1- Neutralising oxidative stress, such as that brought on by smoking and pollution.
2- Dampen down the release of Matrix Metallo Proteinase enzymes that break down collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid in our skin.
3- Prevent Glycation taking place, this is when excess glucose leads to a hardening or a disorganising of our protein structures. ie- collagen fibres.
Key ingredients to look out for are,
Vitamin C, a superior anti-oxidant when found in a stable formulation.
Vitamin A, otherwise known as Retinol or a Retinoid, This helps to regulate cell turnover, excellent at wrinkle reduction and improving skin texture and colour.
Peptides- peptides are chains of amino acids that act as biological messengers that are able to signal to cells in the skin to carry out certain tasks such as build more collagen.
Sunscreen- with UV exposure being the biggest factor in how our skin ages, any anti-ageing skincare routine would be pointless without an spf of at least 30.
Shop these ranges...
- Dermalogica's Age Smart
- Dermaquest Retinols
- Advanced Nutrition Programme Skin Collagen Support Supplements
Check out our AGE Intelligence Facial that incorporates the use of Microcurrent and Radiofrequecy which aim to tighten and firm the skin in a non invasive way.